Energy Reset – 21 Days Wellbeing Challenge

21 days
All levels
21 lessons
0 quizzes
1 student


This course is a part of the “Energy Reset 21 Days Comprehensive Challenge”  course ( ) that aims to introduce energy-unblocking and energy-increasing activities that you can apply to many life aspects: your morning and evening routine, food choices, exercise, other well-being habits, etc.

This “Energy reset 21 days Mindset Challenge” is a simple and effective challenge of 21 days that resets your mind and habits by guiding you through simple, yet powerful activities designed to make a big impact on your energy, mood and wellbeing.

These activities are designed to help you change some not very supportive habits, and create new ones. They will help you to connect to yourself, your environment, nature and people around you. They promote gratitude, awe, connectedness, grounding, etc. and increase life satisfaction while improving your energy. They will range from 2 to 30 min and can be extended if you have more time available and enjoy them.

Make at least 3 minutes commitment to doing them each day! 3 minute is better than 0 minutes.

As you progress in the course you will have a chance to try out quite a few things and observe how your energy changes and how you feel as a result. By the end, you will have a very clear picture of the life routine that will support you best. 

This course is for you if you:

  • feel stuck mentally and emotionally
  • feel fatigued 
  • need to change your life habits
  • want to try various wellbeing activities

You will gain:

  • more energy
  • improved sleep
  • better mood

Join us for this amazing course to experience a profound change in your overall well-being.